Alpine Reference Does


SGCHSpinning Spider NC Islanzadi 


Isy is one of Morgan's first does to be taken to SGCH.  She's level and wide across the rump supporting a beautiful mammary system.  Several of her sons through AI have been kept and used on the farm.  Their progeny shows a strong tendency to go to the same levelness and udder that we see in Isy. 


GCH Spinning Spider IP Suzie  


Suzie as a dry yearling was the image of her dam with a little more length, strength and power.  She showed well with several BJDIS.  As a first freshener we saw she carried her dam's udder as well making her a tremendous asset to our Alpine herd.

Dam and Daughter, SGCH Spinning Spider Islanzadi and GCH Spinning Spider IP Suzie
Dam and Daughter, SGCH Spinning Spider Islanzadi and GCH Spinning Spider IP Suzie


SGCH Spinning Spider AE Flotilla
SGCH Spinning Spider AE Flotilla
SGCH Spinning Spider AE Flotilla
SGCH Spinning Spider AE Flotilla

SGCH Spinning Spider AE Flotilla


Flotilla's udder is exceptional.  There's no other way to describe it.  It hasn't changed over her 8 lactations in 8 years, other than to become more capacious.  We would like to see a little more depth of body and a little more width to her rump but as she ages, it's apparent these things haven't impacted her ability to have consistent, strong lactations.  Flotilla continues to milk well and show, traveling to the 2014 ADGA National show, placing 4th with 3rd udder.




SGCH Bearly Rebellious Wistaria
SGCH Bearly Rebellious Wistaria

SGCH Bearly Rebellious Wistaria


Wistaria was Cullen's re-entry into the Alpine breed.  Purchased as a dry yearling from Ben Rupchis of Bearly Alpines in Virginia, Wistaria is a big powerful doe.  Even after 8 lactations, Wistaria gives younger does a run for their money, both in the parlor and in the show ring.  She has a tremendously capacious and beautifully attached udder that is still held very firmly against her body wall.  This combined with her general appearance hasn't let her down in her eight years.  We would like to see a little more length across her topline and less movement in her shoulder blades, but neither of these faults have held her back!  

When deciding which does should travel with us to the 2013 ADGA National Show in MN, she originally did not make the list.  As a 9 year old, we just didn't want to stress her.  As the last days to enter came upon us, we looked at her again and realized that she looked GREAT, straight off the commercial line with nothing special other than a body clip.  And so she went, standing 4th behind the Grand and Reserve Grand champion Alpine does.  With all our other great wins and placings that week, that was the one that brought tears to my eyes.  

With two of her sons, Spinning Spider Lance Hey Jude and Spinning Spider Bad Moon Risin being used heavily on our Alpine does, Wistaria has become the foundation underlying many of our Alpine genetics.



Alpine Dairy Herd

SGCH Bearly Rebellious Wistaria, SG Spinning Spider TSE Wren, GCHSpinning Spider IP Suzie, SGCH Spinning Spider AE Flotilla
SGCH Bearly Rebellious Wistaria, SG Spinning Spider TSE Wren, GCHSpinning Spider IP Suzie, SGCH Spinning Spider AE Flotilla
First Place Alpine Dairy Herd
2010 NC State Fair, Raleigh, NC
The Alpine show at the 2010 NC State Fair was huge.  Our joy was complete when we heard someone in the audience comment that not only was the first place Alpine herd beautiful, but amazingly was also part of a commercial dairy.